Coach Archives - littlelioness The Little Lioness Tue, 20 Feb 2024 09:46:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Coach Archives - littlelioness 32 32 2162341 Frequently Asked Questions About an Executive Function Coach Tue, 20 Feb 2024 09:46:29 +0000 If your child struggles with organization, time management, planning, prioritization, focus, emotional regulation, or other executive functioning skills, working with an executive functioning coach may help. As you consider this type of support, you likely have many questions. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about executive function coaching. What Exactly

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If your child struggles with organization, time management, planning, prioritization, focus, emotional regulation, or other executive functioning skills, working with an executive functioning coach may help. As you consider this type of support, you likely have many questions. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about executive function coaching.

What Exactly Is an Executive Function Coach?

An executive function coach specializes in helping students develop and strengthen the mental skills involved with organization, planning, time management, emotional regulation, and more. These crucial abilities fall under the umbrella of executive functioning, which refers to the brain’s command center. An executive function coach teaches practical strategies to help kids overcome challenges in these areas.

Rather than simply tutoring academic subjects, your child’s coach will collaborate with them using their own materials. Together, they’ll build customized systems for conquering organizational struggles, efficiently managing time, improving focus, regulating emotions effectively, and other issues your child faces. The goal is to equip them with lifelong executive functioning abilities.

How Do I Know If My Child Needs This Type of Help?

If your child regularly struggles with any of the following, an executive function coach may be beneficial:

  • Staying organized and keeping track of tasks/deadlines
  • Determining priorities and managing time wisely
  • Remembering information they’ve recently learned
  • Following multi-step directions or instructions
  • Shifting between tasks and maintaining focus
  • Handling transitions, rule changes, or disruptions to routine
  • Communicating thoughts clearly and coherently
  • Managing frustration, anxiety, overwhelm, or other difficult emotions

These challenges can make school incredibly hard for many bright, capable students. Recognizing signs that your child needs executive functioning support is the first step toward helping them thrive.

How Is This Service Different Than Tutoring or Therapy?

Unlike a tutor who focuses on helping students master academic subjects, an executive function coach teaches the skills and strategies to overcome roadblocks to learning. These include how to: break down assignments, create efficient schedules, design organized systems, self-monitor progress, minimize distractions, handle setbacks resiliently, and more. And while therapy often involves diagnosing and resolving emotional issues, a coach collaborates with students to build personalized tool kits of practical methods for managing emotions, anxiety, planning pitfalls, and anything else standing in the way of their goals. The emphasis is on equipping kids with hands-on skills.

How Can This Coaching Approach Help an ADD or ADHD Child?

Many children challenged by executive functioning also have ADD or ADHD, a related learning difference. The hallmark strengths and weaknesses associated with ADD or ADHD align closely with executive skill deficits. As such, this method’s concrete compensatory tactics can uniquely benefit ADD or ADHD students. These include techniques for:

  • Breaking down complex assignments
  • Creating efficient schedules
  • Building distraction-minimizing work systems
  • Monitoring comprehension during reading
  • Guiding emotional responses
  • Much more

By receiving customized support in areas of difficulty, children with ADD or ADHD can better leverage their many talents.

What Results Can I Expect From Working With a Coach?

Consistently putting the strategies learned from an executive function coach into practice can lead to dramatic improvements in your child’s performance and confidence. Though the rate at which kids progress varies, most experience boosts in productivity, comprehension, test scores, assignment completion, organization, and lower anxiety levels. As new executive skills become habit, you can expect your child’s capability to independently initiate work, manage time, switch tasks, communicate ideas clearly, and handle workload volume to steadily improve. Coaching aims for knowledge to transfer into generalized academic abilities and lifelong real-world skills.

How Are Sessions Structured?

Rather than following a rigid, one-size-fits-all formula, your child’s coach will collaborate with you and them to create a customized learning plan catered to their needs. However, a typical session may involve:

  • Assessing current strengths and challenges
  • Setting objectives for that day
  • Working hands-on with your child’s materials to build executive skill competency
  • Troubleshooting any planning, organizational, emotional regulation, or productivity problems they’re facing
  • Adjusting strategies based on your student’s unique learning profile
  • Concluding by reinforcing new techniques, addressing questions, and setting goals

The priority is equipping your child with practical tools while nurturing their self-confidence and curiosity. Sessions balance rigorous skill-building with emotional support.

How Do I Get Started?

Connecting with an executive function coach for tutoring Fairfield CT tailored to helping students reach their potential often starts with a simple phone call. Communicating your child’s needs allows for collaborating on an appropriate game plan. From there, coaching can commence with care, adjustment as necessary, and consistent progress check-ins with you. Investing in executive skill instruction lays the foundation for your student’s future thriving. Reach out now to explore what’s possible.

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The post Frequently Asked Questions About an Executive Function Coach appeared first on littlelioness.
