Peanut Butter Archives - littlelioness The Little Lioness Thu, 11 May 2023 08:52:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Peanut Butter Archives - littlelioness 32 32 2162341 The Health Benefits of Peanut Butter Wed, 08 Feb 2023 17:25:00 +0000 Recent statistics reveal Americans eat peanut butter more than in all other countries. Annually, consumers purchase 90 million jars. That equals one jar purchased approximately every three seconds. It is easy to understand why people love peanut butter so much. Between the healthy snacks you can make, their protein, and vitamins and minerals, there is

The post The Health Benefits of Peanut Butter appeared first on littlelioness.

Recent statistics reveal Americans eat peanut butter more than in all other countries. Annually, consumers purchase 90 million jars. That equals one jar purchased approximately every three seconds.

It is easy to understand why people love peanut butter so much. Between the healthy snacks you can make, their protein, and vitamins and minerals, there is no mystery surrounding the popularity of peanut butter.

However, there are many health benefits from common peanut butter recipes that you may not be aware of. Check this out!

Nutrition Facts

For every two-tablespoon serving, peanut butter has 190 calories. It also has 7g of protein, 8g of carbs, and 2g of fiber. Further, peanut butter has vitamin E, B vitamins, and potassium.

Peanut butter is also high in healthy fats! 16g of fat seems like a lot per serving. However, it is mostly polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fat.

There is around 4% of saturated fat, which is an unhealthy fat. By unhealthy, this means 4% of fat that could clog your arteries.

If you are an athlete or are simply interested in boosting your health and wellness, check out these healthy peanut butter snacks.

Supporting Weight Loss

You could lose a few pounds with some tasty nut butter, and here is why. Peanut butter promotes satiation. Satiation is the feeling you experience of being full after you finish eating, which comes from peanut butter’s protein and fat content.

Curbing your appetite with peanut butter recipes could help you reduce your risk of obesity. While it can curb your appetite, you must also watch your portions and daily calorie intake.

Manage Blood Sugar Spikes

A recent study examining the effects of peanut butter was performed with 16 adults. The study’s aim was to discover if a high-glycemic index breakfast can aid in lowering blood glucose spikes.

The study found that when the adults paired their breakfast with two tablespoons of peanut butter, following that meal, they could prevent sudden rises in blood glucose.

Muscle Building

Peanut butter has many vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, which is important for strength-building and muscle management. One serving of peanut butter, or two tablespoons of peanut butter, has approximately 14% to 16% of magnesium. This is highly beneficial for including a strength routine.

Protein is also critical for muscle-building, and peanut butter has protein too!

Improve Memory

In 2021, Clinical Nutrition published a study seeking to discover what benefits peanut butter can achieve for people relating to stress and their cognitive function. There were 63 adults taking part in their study.

Researchers uncovered that regular consumption of peanuts and peanut butter can boost memory function. It can even lower anxiety.

Peanut Butter Is Amazing

A small amount of peanut butter daily can go a long way. You get vitamins, minerals, and protein. Not only that, you can curb your appetite, build muscle, and improve memory.

We know that the health benefits are huge, which is why we love publishing articles like this one on peanut butter. Your health is a precious asset, and we want you to be healthy. That is why we publish health articles daily on skin, fitness, and food!

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The post The Health Benefits of Peanut Butter appeared first on littlelioness.
