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Do you know what to expect when you go for a walk in eye exam? Common eye exam procedures are designed to help your doctor identify any vision issues or diseases that you may have. Through a variety of tests, a doctor can determine if you need glasses or contact lenses, or if you have any other eye-related issues. Keep reading to learn about common eye exam procedures.

Pupil Dilation Checks



Pupil dilation check-ups are an important part of common eye exam procedures. During this procedure, drops are placed in each eye to enlarge the pupils so that your doctor can better examine them and look for any irregularities. By dilating the pupils, your doctor can get a larger view of your retina and optic nerve to detect any signs of disease or damage. It is also used to determine if you need corrective lenses such as glasses or contact lenses, prescreen for glaucoma, and check for cataracts or other health issues related to vision problems. The drops take about 20 minutes to take effect and will cause blurred vision during this time due to the light sensitivity they create. The effects can last from three hours up to two days depending on how much light exposure you receive while they’re still active in your eyes.

Visual Acuity Tests

A visual acuity test is a common procedure in an eye exam. It measures how clearly you see at different distances and can help detect vision problems like near-sightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. During this test, your optometrist will ask you to read letters on a chart placed 20 feet away from you. The letters are progressively smaller as your eyes move down the chart. If you cannot read the smallest line of letters on the chart correctly with both eyes open, your optometrist may then put lenses of various strengths in front of each eye to determine which lens gives you better focus while looking at the chart. Your results will be noted by assigning a number that indicates how well you can distinguish between two points (called “visual acuity”). Results below 6/9 may require prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses for clarity and improved safety when driving or performing other activities that rely heavily on good eyesight. It is essential that with any eye issues you have, you go for testing as soon as possible to narrow down what the problem (if there is one) is. If you do not have an optometrist to conduct this type of testing, then you will need to search for one in your area. For example, if you live in Calgary, you would search for an optometrist in Calgary SW, and so on. Ignoring issues with your eyes and putting off any tests may make the problem worse, and it could affect your driving and even your livelihood.

Retinoscopy and Autorefraction Tests



Retinoscopy and autorefraction tests are two common eye exam procedures used to measure refractive error. Refractive error is an optical defect that affects how light passes through the eye, resulting in blurred vision or other visual disturbances. The retinoscope test uses a handheld device to shine light into the patient’s eyes while they look at a target on the wall, allowing doctors to determine their refractive error. Autorefraction tests use automated instrumentation to map out the path of light as it moves through each eye, giving doctors more precise measurements for prescribing corrective lenses if needed. Both tests help ophthalmologists diagnose nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism, and presbyopia—all of which can affect one’s ability to see clearly without glasses or contact lenses.

Color Vision Tests

A color vision test is an important part of a comprehensive eye exam. This type of test assesses how well a person can perceive different colors, and the results are used to diagnose various visual conditions such as color blindness or other forms of color deficiency. The most common type of color vision test is the Ishihara Color Test which involves looking at a series of images composed of colored circles with numbers inside them. The number that is visible will indicate if there are any deficiencies in your ability to detect certain colors. Other tests may involve matching up similar shades or identifying objects based on their specific hues.

Altogether, having regular eye exams is crucial for maintaining eye health and detecting any potential problems. Common eye exams, such as those outlined above, are important for gathering information about a person’s vision and eye health. With these tests, eye doctors are able to assess a person’s vision and determine whether or not any corrective measures need to be taken. Regular eye exams can also help to detect serious eye conditions early on, allowing for appropriate treatment and management.

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