Hiking Archives - littlelioness https://littlelioness.net/tag/hiking/ The Little Lioness Mon, 09 Jan 2023 15:36:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7 https://littlelioness.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Little_Mix_Logo_2013-150x150.png Hiking Archives - littlelioness https://littlelioness.net/tag/hiking/ 32 32 2162341 5 Things To Remember To Wear on a Winter Hike https://littlelioness.net/2023/01/09/5-things-to-remember-to-wear-on-a-winter-hike/ Mon, 09 Jan 2023 15:36:14 +0000 https://littlelioness.net/?p=6220 Hiking in the winter can be fun since you will encounter fewer people and bugs, the air is usually more breathable, and you get unique views. When done right, a winter hike can be refreshing, beautiful, and adventurous. However, clothing is your most basic safety measure when it comes to the outdoors. The wrong clothing

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Hiking in the winter can be fun since you will encounter fewer people and bugs, the air is usually more breathable, and you get unique views. When done right, a winter hike can be refreshing, beautiful, and adventurous.

However, clothing is your most basic safety measure when it comes to the outdoors. The wrong clothing choice can not only make the hike less enjoyable but also dangerous.

A warm Hat

A hat made from warm materials, such as an alpaca wool hat, helps to keep heat in your body on a hike. The right hat should cover your head and the tips of your ears. Sometimes, you may also want added ear protection from earmuffs or a longer cap. However, it is also essential to be conscientious with all your senses during a hike. So, make sure you can hear the world around you while still keeping yourself warm.

Reliable Footwear

Choosing a reliable pair of boots that will last for years to come is vital. Break in your shoes to ensure they fit and do not cause pain before you take off on your hike.

If you live in an area with snow, you should get shoes with traction to avoid slipping on any icy patches. Hiking boots should also be waterproof, comfortable, and have adequate insulation. For another layer of warmth, it is a good idea to pair your boots with thick wool socks.

Well-insulated layers

No matter where you live, layers are a good idea in the winter. Consider every element, from your underwear to your coat. You want to be comfortable from top to bottom, so you should select materials such as synthetics, merino wool, and other moisture-wicking and warm fabrics.

At a minimum, you should wear a base layer that provides insulation and prevents moisture retention, a middle layer, such as a coat or quarter-zip, and a waterproof and windproof outer layer.

Proper gloves or Mittens

Hands can be vulnerable to the cold, and you do not want your fingers getting frostbite. So, you need to protect your hands from cold and moisture. Choose materials such as insulated leather, wool, and synthetic materials.

Choosing between gloves and mittens usually comes down to personal preference. Gloves allow more movement of your fingers, while mittens often offer more overall warmth. You can also get gloves within an outer mitten layer.

Neck Coverage

There are few sensations worse than stepping outside covered in winter clothing and realizing your neck is uncovered. Bringing along a scarf or other neck coverage is essential for optimum comfort. Plus, this accessory can be a versatile head covering or even add extra protection to your hands. A gaiter can also be a more compact item that keeps your neck warm.

Final Thoughts

Dressing well is the key to enjoying a nice hike in the winter. You do not need to worry about fashion accents. Instead, make warmth and safety key. Always check the weather forecast before you head out into nature and add layers as needed. Once you have a proper outfit, you can enjoy the benefits of a winter hike.

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The post 5 Things To Remember To Wear on a Winter Hike appeared first on littlelioness.
